In the Cornish town of Porthinnis, Devlin “Devil” Varcoe, is a well known smuggler who has spent most of his life putting his neck on the line on the high seas as he fetched the contraband which the people in his small town so desperately depended on. Although, Devlin is well aware that if he got caught with illegal goods he would have to endure the hangman’s noose, he’d rather be braving the torrid sea then living alongside his avaricious brother Thomas, who loathes him with every fiber of his being.

But although Thomas Varcoe detests his brother, there’s one woman who loves Devlin unconditionally: Tamara Gillis. Wild, wanton and high spirited, Tamara may appear to be a young lady of loose morals, but she only wants one thing – and that’s to be Devlin’s wife. But a marriage with somebody like Devlin is out of the question for she is the daughter of one of the town’s most prominent citizens. However, that doesn’t stop Tamara from succumbing to Devlin’s seduction and spending a night of passion with him. But even though Devlin’s body desires Tamara, his heart belongs to another woman: Jennifer Trevanion.

But Jennifer has got neither time nor incilination to think about romance. Her father’s addiction to brandy leads to his death and to her destitution, and with no money or home, Jennifer realizes that she must leave behind the comforts of polite society in order to survive. When Devlin realizes that Jennifer is no longer a member of the privileged classes, he offers her his help. But Jennifer makes it quite clear that she can never be his for her heart belongs to another man.

Devlin begins to make plans to set sail for a new smuggling operation, hoping to forget about Jennifer and Tamara. But Devlin soon realizes that he has to tread carefully for a sworn enemy of his is on his trail and plotting his downfall.

Has Devlin left it too late to claim the one woman he loves?

Jane Jackson always writes with plenty of flair, intelligence, style and sensitivity and Devil’s Prize is certainly no exception! Fast-paced, romantic, moving and evocative, with Devil’s Prize, Jane Jackson once again proves herself to be a storyteller of outstanding prowess who possesses the ability to tell a thrilling, powerful and passionate story that readers will not want to forget!